Friday, March 18, 2016

Sew Amazing has a YouTube Channel and a Google + page!

Check them out here and here. :D


  1. I finished Frida she will be up as soon as possible

  2. I might make a tutorial on how to make my dolls but in pictures

  3. how do you think on how I make my dolls

  4. how does bjorn and Frida look?

  5. go to the post thanks abbafan456! in the archives

  6. how do you think of it

    1. Well, for one, you're very welcome for the banner. :P

  7. poll check it out and vote!!!!!! you have 29 days to vote!


Please keep your comments related to the blog's content. For example, I run multiple blogs and don't particularly want comments that have to do with one of my other blogs on a blog that has nothing really to do with the other. I might share posts because they're all my blogs, but please, keep your comments related. :)

Please don't be surprised if I don't publish your comments right away! I see every comment and will always get to them as soon as possible, just not all the time. I'm a busy person when I'm not blogging. ;)

-No foul language or cursing.
-Nothing inappropriate
-No mentions about Agnetha's YOU-KNOW-WHAT