Then I saw Attack of the Clones. I personally can't stand the whole thing about Anakin being in love with Padme and that annoying song which keeps on playing. o.O But I know that it's an important part of the story and that it had to happen in order for the Original Trilogy to start.

When I saw A New Hope for the first time, I was so excited. To see Princesss Leia for the first time was very exciting. Luke and Han were okay, too, but I only watched it for the princess. I was obsessed. Then I saw Empire Strikes back. I found it to be a little bit boring, but watched it anyway. The whole Luke training to be a Jedi was way too boring. Now, whenever I watch it, I skip over those scenes.
Strangely, before I even finished watching the whole saga, I knew about characters from the expanded universe, like Mara Jade (who is awesome, BTW), Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo, Tenel Ka...
It took two years before I finally saw Return of the Jedi. And when I finally was able to watch it, I had my attention turned to my foot because I had a huge cut... I got to watch it again - I've watched it over 20 times now... - and pay more attention later on.

And then I went on to the books. I've read almost all the Star Wars books, (A good series to read is the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn) and now I am waiting for the newest books to be released as physical books and not dumb audio boos.

But now, I'm not really into Star Wars anymore. I think its because now everyone's all hyped over The Clone Wars (which is ending soon or has already ended - Yay!), and the fact that LEGO changed all the minifigs and made them all look stupid. BUT that doesn't mean that I don't like Princess Leia because she will always be with me - like the force. :P
(Is this my longest blog post ever? :P)
<--- I have no idea what this was doing in my Star Wars folder. :P
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