No, no, no! Do not even dare color me
or my new drawings! :P I spent this week and last week coloring all of them and trying to find my favorite color pencils in this new box I put my pencils in. This batch contains the usual, as well as three Doctor Who pictures I did for a friend. I did my best to appease the Frida fans out there by drawing some Frida pics as well. ;) Anyway, here they are:
The Doctor |
The Doctor |
This picture is a smaller version of the big one I have on my wall that I drew a long time ago back in May. (Run on sentence.) |
Agnetha in 1977. I really like the way this one came out. ;) |
Agnetha in 1980. I don't like the way the scanner made the bottom of the picture look as if I didn't color it in at all. :P |
Agnetha in 1974 at the Melodifestivalen. |
Agnetha in 1975 |
Agnetha looks a bit.... bored. |
Agnetha and Frida in 1980. Boy was this hard to color! |
You're probably wondering, "Hey, hasn't ABBAFan456 uploaded this picture before?" Well, as it turns out, when I uploaded this before, I had forgotten to color in Agnetha's eyelashes as well as hers and Bjorn's pupils. :P |
Frida during ABBA's small 1980 tour in Japan. This has to be one of my favorite drawings! I love the way Frida's makeup and freckle (Yes, Frida has freckles) came out. :) |
Frida in 1974. Waterloo – jag är besegrad, nu ger jag mig, Waterloo – lova mej nöjet att älska dig. Waterloo – allting känns rätt, och det är min tro, Waterloo – du är mitt öde, mitt Waterloo. Wa wa wa wa Waterloo – du är mitt öde, mitt Waterloo... |
My first black and white Frida picture. Came out pretty good, if you ask me. :) |
And finally, Rose Tyler from none other than... Doctor Who. :) |
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