Saturday, December 31, 2022

Goodbye 2022, bring on 2023!

 Another 12 months have gone by, and tonight at midnight we officially say goodbye to 2022!  As the year wraps up, I figured I'd go over some of the highlights of this year, not in any particularly order.

 To start, the best moment to have been able to witness was ABBA's reunion at the opening of their new epic show, Voyage!  Seeing Agnetha, Bjorn, Benny, and Frida step out in front of a crowd, walking down the red carpet, give interviews to press, and get up on stage at the end of the first show to thank everyone was a beautiful moment and I feel grateful to live in a time when ABBA are together again, even if they have nothing more to give us.  Thank you so much ABBA.

Unfortunately I have yet to see the ABBA voyage show myself, but I've heard that the US might be among the next stops for the show, so hopefully it won't be long before I'll be able to see the show in all its glory for myself.  But seeing everyone's positive reviews of the show has me so excited.

This year I think I've been at my most productive, having completed 6 costume recreations for my dolls.  If I had a little more time, maybe I'd have been able to roll out the outfits I'm currently working on before the new year, making it 7, but that's okay, I much prefer working on my own time.  I've been fortunate enough to have more access to fabric this year, and the outfits I've made this year have really been amongst my best, and I'm so excited to continue to work on recreating their outfits in the coming year.

Earlier this year I published a new and improved version of my book, The Story of ABBA for Young Readers as well as companion coloring book, and the reception these two books have had has been incredible.  I especially want to thank everyone who bought the coloring book over this holiday period.  It makes me so happy seeing that so many people have been buying my book as gifts for loved ones, and I really appreciate it.  <3

I think this year has been a pretty good one, and as always, I'm excited to see what exciting new things 2023 will bring!

Happy new year everyone, and have a happy 2023!

- Becky

Friday, December 16, 2022

Happy 76th birthday, Benny!

Today is Benny's birthday!  I hope he has a wonderful day celebrating with his family and friends! <3

Friday, December 09, 2022

Masters of the scene

  I just finished my remake of ABBA's white 1979 tour outfits.  I have a more detailed blog post on my sewing blog if you're interested in that of course. :)

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Happy 11th Birthday, Benny Anderdoll

 Today marks 11 years since I finished my Benny doll, completing my ABBA doll collection.  Happy 11th, Benny Anderdoll :')

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Happy 77th birthday, Frida!


Happy, happy birthday, dear Frida! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating your 77th birthday with all your friends, family, and loved ones! We love you, Frida! Thank you for the music! ❤️🎉

Saturday, November 05, 2022

1 year of Voyage

  Still can't believe that it was a year ago, today, that ABBA released a new album for the first time in 40 years. For me, the songs still feel new, yet at the same time they fit so well with the other ABBA songs, they already felt famillar after a few listens. 

 I feel so grateful that I got to be there to witness such an iconic musical comeback. I've listened to Voyage so many times since its release, and I don't think I will ever tire of it. Thank you ABBA, for gifting us with such an incredible 9th album, and for finally reuniting.<3

Friday, October 28, 2022

Happy 11th birthday, Bjorn Uldollus

 11 years ago on this day, I put in the last, finishing stitches of my homemade Bjorn Ulvaeus doll.  I remember we were having a blackout, due to a crazy snow storm in OCTOBER of all months, and we had no power, so I had to sew together the last few things by hand, but it just meant I had to be a little extra patient.  Despite the fact that I was no good at sewing by hand, Bjorn's stitches have held up pretty well and I'm glad to have added him to my doll collection all those years ago.  Happy 11th birthday, Bjorn Uldollus!

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

1979 World Tour Costumes

 I have yet again remade ABBA's costumes from their 1979 world tour for my dolls, this time a lot more accurate.  :)

As usual, I have a more detailed post on how I made them on my sewing blog, which you can check out here.

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

I like buying CDs

 So... I've been on a bit of a CD buying spree as of late, mostly because I wanted to complete my ABBA Studio Album CD collection (even though I have it all on vinyl already hahahahaha) but also because I just really enjoy buying CDs.  So here are some of my recent purchases, all courtesy of Discogs. xD

All nine studio albums together.  (I know some of them are in digipacks, others in jewel cases, and yes it does bother me a little, but I'm trying to get over that. xD)

First we have The Album, originally from 1978.  When picking out which versions of these albums to buy, I chose to get the remastered versions from 2001 I think it was, and I really enjoy the sound quality of the tracks.

Next is Voulez-Vous, aha!
Then Super Trouper,
And last but not least, the Visitors!
I also got myself some other ABBA related CDs, like the Chess soundtrack,
This lovely compilation of some of Frida's early work,
Frida's first post-ABBA (though technically it was released while ABBA were still a thing in 1982) solo album on CD.  I actually got this because I wanted to watch the documentary included on the DVD that was made about her album, and until this point I'd only ever seen clips of it.
A collection of some of Agnetha's greatest English language hits over the years from 1998, including the newly discovered The Queen Of Hearts demo.  
And last but absolutely not least, Benny's Piano album from 2017!
I also have ABBA Oro on the day, but it has yet to arrive. :)  Over all I'm happy with my latest CD haul, and now that I've entered the realm of getting their solo work on CD, I'll probably have to get the rest of the albums on CD at some point hahaahaha. 

Friday, September 02, 2022

A year ago today....

ABBA announced their new album, a new concert, the two new songs, and the start of a new voyage...  I remember sitting their, anticipating the live stream event, wondering what ABBA could possibly have up their sleeves.  And then the even started.  We got to hear I Still Have Faith In You for the first time ever, and I remember I didn't quite know how to react at first.  Agnetha and Frida sounded so different yet so familiar.  Then came the announcement that ABBA decided to do one more album.  The moment Benny said it was available for pre-order on the website, I jumped straight onto their site and of course it hadn't even been launched yet and i couldn't get on.  I reloaded the page a million times until like 20 minutes later, I finally got on and pre-ordered the album on record and 2 CDs because I had no idea what was what.  Honestly it was one of the best moments of my life, and I still can't believe I got to live through that, experience and witness it all.  For the first time in my life, I got to really be a part of ABBA history instead of just reading about it.  When Don't Shut Me Down played, I was so ecstatic.  That song really have off the same ABBA vibes we all knew and loved, and after a few more listens, both songs quickly became my favorites.  

I remember being a bit unsure of the whole ABBA-tar project, quite skeptical of how it would work.  I didn't really like the costumes, they took a lot to get used to, but ultimately everything worked out for the best.  The Voyage show just played it's 100th show, and people show up night after night to see ABBA perform in their custom built arena.  I've only seen clips, fan footage, and I have yet to go myself, but, even though I still have my opinions and concerns, I love this show with my entire heart and soul and I cannot wait to see it for myself someday.

Gosh, I'm just so happy. We're living in a world where ABBA came back together, released an amazing album that I listen to all the time, and made a ground-breaking show that they will be playing for years to come.   And then they all got together PUBLICLY at the ABBA voyage premiere, at what will probably be their last appearance ever as a group.  I still remember what it was like before the two songs came out, always wondering if and when we'd ever get to hear the new songs.  I never game up hope, I remained optimistic about everything, the delays, the ABBAtars, and ABBA gave us so much more than we'd ever expected.

Thank you ABBA, for everything.  This last year has been incredible, and I could never have asked for anything better.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

La question c'est voulez-vous

 It would seem that I'm on a roll when it comes to remaking ABBA costumes this year.  May I present to you the newest editions to my collection: This set of outfits that ABBA wore for a brief period of time in early 1979:

As usual, I have a more detailed post on my sewing blog if you are interested in that. :)

Monday, July 04, 2022

ABBA Voyage Web Store

I recently got my hands on some of the wonderful merch as sold at the ABBA Voyage merch store, and though I only have so much money and couldn't buy all the things I wanted (especially a ton of things I had been looking at got sold out hahahahahaha), I got for myself the ABBA Voyage programme, the cool jacket, as well as some ABBA Voyage pins that I have yet to figure out where to put.  Anyways, I'm really happy with everything I got, despite how expensive it all was, and I cannot wait to step outside looking like the obsessed ABBA fan I am. xD

Anyways, I wanted to share a couple of lovely photos from the ABBA voyage programme.  There are so many goodies in there, nice behind the scenes information on both the workings of the show and the costumes that the ABBAtars wear, as well as a nice interview with all four ABBA members.  I definitely recommend you get it if you're planning on buying anything from the voyage store whether in person or online.  But anyways, here are the photos. :)

Lovely shot of ABBA's feet hahahaha

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Wa wa wa wa Waterloo

 I have officially remade ABBA's waterloo costumes for the third time now for my dolls. :'D

Of course, for a more detailed look into these outfits, feel free to check out my sewing blog. :3

Friday, May 27, 2022

Voyage Premiere

Hi. :)  I meant to post a lot earlier all about the premiere of Voyage today, but gah, it's just been so much to take in. No I wasn't there today, I don't know if and when I'm gonna be fortunate enough to see the show, but all reviews and buzz around the show have made me super excited.  I have my questions about the show, I'm a little confused, but overall, ABBA Voyage has my heart.  Especially because in the short 30 second clip that was shared to their social medias of the ABBAtars singing SOS, the fact that they're doing the same movements that they did in 1975/76 makes me soooo happy.  I have faith that this show really is truly an accurate representation of ABBA.

Of course the highlight of today was ABBA themselves, all four of them, attending the premiere, giving interviews.  I loved seeing them all together again, all the pictures.  They all look amazing, and I'm so thankful to live in a time where ABBA got back together again, released music, are premiering a new, ahead of its time concert experience!  Gosh, it's just so thrilling, shocking, amazing.  

Thank you, ABBA, for the music, for the songs, for everything.  For being my inspiration all these years.  I am so excited by this new Voyage, this new way to experience ABBA, and I cannot wait to someday see if for myself, whenever that'll be. :)

Monday, May 02, 2022

Voyage costumes #2

 I just posted pictures of my most recent ABBA costume recreation, this time of the first ABBA voyage costumes we'd ever seen.  For a more detailed post, feel free to check out my sewing blog. :3

Monday, April 25, 2022

Happy 77th birthday, Bjorn!

Today one of the world's greatest songwriters and lyricists turns 77!  Happy birthday Bjorn!  :D

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Happy 48th anniversary, ABBA

 Today marks 48 years since ABBA won the Eurovision Song Contest with Waterloo, launching them into immediate international success!

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Happy 72nd birthday, Agnetha!

 Wishing a happy, happy birthday to this queen of hearts!  Thank you so much for joining up with Bjorn, Benny, and Frida again and gracing us with your beautiful voice once more. <3  We love you Agnetha!

Friday, April 01, 2022

10 years of my blog

 Just wanted to point out that today is my blog's 10 year anniversary.  Even though I didn't do my first post until the 2nd, I created my blog on April 1st, 2012.  I'm surprised I've managed to sort of keep up with this blog the last 10 years, and while I know I don't post all that frequently anymore, I'm happy to have this blog and it's nice having this record of the last 10 years. :)

Monday, March 14, 2022

Yet another collection update

Guess who's gone a little record-shopping happy. :3  

When I was a kid and just getting into this whole ABBA craze/obsession/whatever you want to call it, I always dreamed about getting hard copies of all of ABBA's work, be it pre-ABBA, during-ABBA or post-ABBA.  I just wanted it all.  Now, while I don't necessarily have everything everything, like I haven't bothered trying to find the Hep Stars or the Hootenanny Singers' work (yet that is hahahahahah), or Frida's pre-ABBA singles, I've gotten pretty close and I think I've found a good point to stop at.  For now that is.  You never know when that record bug's gonna bite again and I'll have to start spending more of my money on more vinyls....

Recently I finished my Agnetha and Frida solo album collection (excluding Agnetha's albums she did with her children that is.)  It's just absolutely surreal having their entire music in my possession, and in Agnetha's case, from when she was 17 years old all the way to her latest solo album when she was 63.  

Alright, so the goal was initially to get just the studio albums, but as I as hunting for records, I found Agnetha's 1979 compilation album celebrating 10 years of Agnetha being sold from the same seller as one of the other albums, so I snagged it to.  It's an absolutely lovely album, featuring a lot of her hit songs as well as a new one written especially for this album, När Du Tar Mig I Din Famn (which she also recorded as the Queen of Hearts later.)

The album also came with this really nice poster that i wasn't expecting, so I stuck that onto my wall.  Had to make a bit of room for it though as I'm pretty much out of wall space. 

 Next we have Agnetha's När En Vacker Tanke Blir En Sång, originally released in 1972.  I think all the records I bought are reissues, but I cannot tell you what year the resissue was. xD

Som Jag Ar, released in 1970,
Then Agnetha Faltskog Vol.2 from 1969,
And last but not least, Agnetha Faltskog from 1968. 
I'll tell you something I find to be rather odd yet funny about my version of Agnetha's first album.  As you can see on the back of the album, side 1 starts with Jag Var Sa Kar, and side 2 starts with Tack Sverige...
Yet oddly enough, on the record, side 1 starts with Tack Sverige,
and side 2 starts with Jag Var Sa Kar.
I don't know if this was a common error or I have a unique one, but it's interesting, that's for sure.

Next we have all of Frida's albums, the newest in my collection being her self-titled album from 1970 and produced by none other than Benny. :')

All the records play absolutely beautifully, I really enjoyed listening to them on the record player, there's this special feeling listening to them in the format they initially came out on, and I am sooo happy to have added them to my collection.  :')