
Monday, December 26, 2016

2016: a Year in Review

For some people 2016 has been quite a flop.  At the beginning I thought 2016 was going to be a pretty bad year as well, but it seems I had that backwards.  So I'm going to do another "A Year in Review" post with you guys and share all the great things that have happened this year! 
  • Already at the beginning of the year, things were already turning out really good, for me and the rest of the ABBA fan community. :D  I received Frida, Benny, and Bjorn's autographs on the 28th and I really haven't stopped smiling since then!  I'm still super thankful to Gorel Hanser for making it possible and letting my dream about getting all four of ABBA's autographs come true!  (I already had Agnetha's autograph before that, so now I have all of them!!!)
  • Talking about dreams coming true, ABBA got together not just once but TWICE this year!  When I say getting together, I am not saying that ABBA performed together and sang, I just mean that the four members stood together in public next to each other!  And it's just soooo amazing!   Plus Agnetha and Frida sang together at the second reunion, so that makes it so much better!
  • My best friend in the whole entire world and I got to meet for the first time in the almost 3 years that we've known each other!  It was such an amazing experience and it's quite amazing how the ABBA fandom can create such beautiful friendships between fans!  <3
  • My ABBA collection expanded quite a bit!  When I first became an ABBA fan, I never expected to have this much stuff.  I know, it's kinda small compared to the collections of who knows, but it's still quite large for me! :D
  • My book that I had been working over a year on illustrating and writing finally got released!  :D
And much much more happened!  I just can't list it all since either I can't remember or it's not blog related or both. :)

And now that 2016 is almost over, we have 2017 to look forward to!  Learning more about ABBA's virtual return is definitely going to exciting, but there's going to be so much more I'm sure!  So now I'd just like to wish all my followers a very Happy New Year and I hope 2017 will be just as exciting and amazing as 2016 was! 


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