
Sunday, May 05, 2024

Swedish Birdsong - sounds of 90 well-known birds

So Benny Andersson is apparently a very big fan of birds, which comes to no surprise as a lot of ABBA songs mention and reference birds, a very common theme in their songs.  The earliest ABBA song to my knowledge to reference birds is Dance (While The Music Still Goes On) from ABBA's Waterloo album, but even prior to that, in Benny's pre-ABBA days, one of his earliest compositions "Sound of Eve" has bird sounds throughout the song.  

In 1990, on Benny's own Mono Music label, together with Lars Svensson and Dan Zettsrtrom, Benny released a CD compiling 90 different birds songs from Sweden's own birds, titled Fågelsång I Sverige, or Swedish Birdsong.

I've mentioned in the past that I'm a bit of a bird fan myself, one might even call me BirdFan456 hahaha jk but I have always had quite a fondness for birds.  Originally it was ducks, but birds have been a part of my family's history as well - my Great-Grandfather had in total two budgies, and my father had a blue-fronted amazon parrot.  Now I love all birds (even the hawks who moved into my yard and were eating all the little birdies and rodents.... It doesn't mean I like hawks though.)  I have had three budgies, and they are my absolute favorite, and I also love spending a lot of time bird watching, specifically the ones in my backyard.  There are so many wonderful creatures, so many different birds of different sizes, and it's just amazing.  Bird are amazing.

So, of course when I found out about Benny's bird CD, and the fact that it's not just a CD but also is available as a box set with a book on the different birds featured in the CD as well as a cassette, I had to get it.  So I found the boxset available, new on Discogs, and it arrived fairly quickly all the way from Sweden.

Now did I really need to buy this CD considering all the tracks are readily available on YouTube and Amazon Music?  Probably not, but at the same time, I get to have something tangible that combines two of my biggest and most meaningful interests in my life - birds and ABBA.

So now I have a nice, new bird book to add my collection of bird related things!  And in case you're curious about that nice fancy shmancy photo book in the back right called Becky's Book Of Birds....

I did self-publish a photobook of my own featuring some of my own photography of various birds (and other furry friends) from over the years.  Because I chose to make it hardcover, the price is kinda pricey, but it's on amazon if you are interested.

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