
Monday, January 15, 2024

Song Analysis - Disillusion

 Disillusion is one of only two songs in ABBA's entire song catalog to have music written by Agnetha.  Having been a popular solo artist throughout Scandinavia, Agnetha had already written several songs that went on to become chart topping successes.  She was quite the songwriter, composing both original music and text by herself or often writing new lyrics to existing tunes, or even collaborating with other writers.  She proved herself to be quite a good songwriter, often writing songs that had to do with sadness and despair, breakups and heartache.  So it was no surprise that Bjorn and Benny would ask her to contribute something for Bjorn, Benny, Agnetha, and Frida's debut album.

Disillusion was originally written in Swedish for Agnetha's next solo album, Elva Kvinnor I Ett Hus, though that album wouldn't be completed until two years later.  With Bjorn writing the lyrics, Disillusion is an Agnetha Faltskog classic, about someone who's still getting over a breakup.  "Wishing, hoping, chasing shadows. Did I see your face somewhere in the crowd? Thinking, wondering, what you’re doing, I can’t stop myself from crying out loud.They say my wound will heal and only leave a scar but then, they never shared our love."  The end of this relationship has clearly left the main character in deep despair, as they're still coming to terms with the end of the relationship.  

The song features just Agnetha on lead vocals, one of the few ABBA songs to just feature one of the As.  Agnetha carries the song perfectly, with the pain of the song's meaning quite visible in her voice.  Agnetha has always been an amazing storyteller in her songs, always perfectly conveying the emotions portrayed in the lyrics into her voice.  Honestly, this song is, dare I say, one of ABBA's saddest songs.  There's no resolution, nothing to look forward to.  Just disillusion.  

With Swedish lyrics by Agnetha's friend Bosse Carlgren, the song was released on Agnetha's next solo album, now with the title  Mina ögon.  The Swedish version also tells the story of a relationship coming to an end, with the first verse being (roughly translated via Google Translate) "My eyes, blue with joy, who got to see you smile with happiness, my friend.  My eyes, gray with anger as you kissed blue and soft again," only for the next verse to be "My eyes, as I ask, when I wonder if I dreamed you existed.  My eyes, which I torment every time I see your picture somewhere."  And then the chorus is "Do you remember my eyes where you saw how strong you were And how I burned, how the fire burned? My eyes fill with frozen fire like tears, My eyes fill with frozen fire that resembles tears." 

Both versions of the song are absolutely heartbreaking and hauntingly beautiful.  

Also, if you'd like to take a closer look at some of Agnetha's compositions, I have a compilation on YouTube.

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