
Friday, December 31, 2021

Goodbye 2021, bring on 2022!

 We've reached the end of the year again, which means it's usually time for my year in review/recap type posts, but honestly, I hardly remember half the things that went on this year, aside from ABBA's glorious return, of course. xD  

As usual, during today's pandemic filled world, it's been a wacky year.  Plans get canceled, things don't end up happening, etc.  And you can imagine my year certainly started out pretty badly when YouTube took down my channel LITERALLY a couple of days before my YouTube channel's anniversary. :(  But I didn't let that get to me all that much.  Of course it's disappointing, but it's just a YouTube channel, right?  Now, I have a second channel, that I'm being very cautions about uploading on, but it's been fun slowly getting back into that. :)

I've always been a very introverted, somewhat unmotivated person.  I've become the type of person who just wants to spend every waking moment with my bird, Skyler, and never leave the house, like ever, haha, and honestly, this year I didn't get much done in regards to creative things.  I didn't do much digital drawings, I did a couple of physical drawings, mostly just commissions and nothing on my own, and my sewing projects had been very sporadic.  But I am proud of what I achieved, the few things that they were.  

For 2022, I want to get back onto the creative horse, and I already have a few things in mind.  One of which is remaking my Waterloo costumes for my dolls, as you can probably tell from my previous post.  I'm just really excited to do more doll costumes that surely won't be as complicated as the Voyage costumes haha.  And there's something just super thrilling about making the outfits in accurate fabrics. :')

Then, I have some thing planned that I've actually been planning since earlier this year, and worked on a little bit, but simply didn't have the motivation to continue.  I don't want to give away too much, especially since I have this fear of people stealing my ideas and things, but let's just say that my book, The Story of ABBA for Young Readers is now inaccurate seeing as ABBA did in fact get back together, and I have to do something about that.  And, well, once a perfectionist, always a perfectionist, so....  I hope you can see where I'm going with this. xD  My drawings have improved a lot over the years, so I knew this would have to happen eventually.  To clarify, I'm not doing whole new drawings, I'm just converting the older ones to digital, plus adding something for Voyage.  And this gives me the chance to fix up simple things, like proportions or facial expressions I didn't quite like,  And then while I'm at it, I may or may not have a coloring book in mind as well... :)

 No promises as to when these projects are going to see the light of day, but it is something I hope to actively start working on this coming year,  Wish me luck. xD

And with that, I want to wish you all a happy 2022, and let's hope 2022 will be even better!


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