
Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 Story time, when I was first getting into ABBA, I would serf the internet trying to listen to every single ABBA song, and when I discovered ABBA Undeleted, I was absolutely amazed.  I wanted so badly to get the album that it came on, the Thank You For The Music box set, but I never thought I would get it because it the time it was selling for crazy expensive. Which is alright, because I mean it is a very special album with 4 CDs!

As you guys know, as of late I've been quite inspired to try and grow my ABBA collection, and while looking online for something else unrelated to ABBA, I somehow came across the Thank You For The Music box set being sold, used, for $20.  That's a really good deal in my opinion, so I bought it, and it arrived today! :D

I love all the songs as usual, and what really fascinated me was the booklet!  I didn't expect it to be filled with so much nice information, and there are some really cool pictures of some of their outfits being modeled on other people, and omg, if I had some of those pictures while I was working on recreating the kimonos for my dolls, it would have been so useful!

I am really happy to add this beautiful box set to my collection, and will enjoy listening to ABBA Undeleted for hours on end because that medley is one of my absolute favorites.  (Why didn't they release a full version of Given A Little Bit More?  *cries forever*)

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