
Thursday, September 13, 2018

ABBA Color Pencil Drawings

Back in February of this year, I had decided that I wanted to test out my new Prismacolor Premiere color pencils that I had gotten in November by drawing some nice portraits of all four ABBA members.  I had a particular photosession in mind and immediately got to work on drawing the first picture which was of Agnetha.  Unfortunately, I was having lots of difficulties, one issue being my color pencils were breaking and splitting lengthwise for some reason (I found out that it was because of my sharpener, btw) and another being the drawing just wasn't turning out right.  I ended up abandoning the drawing for a few months and picked it up again in July.  I ended up making decent progress and ended up finishing the drawing in just a couple of days.  With my new sharpener and a new set of color pencils (because I had worn out the white color pencil that I use for blending - my dad so kindly surprised me and bought a whole new set!!!), I was able to work on the remaining three portraits and just today I finished the last one and scanned them all on. :D

And here they are finally, the four portraits that I've been trying to work on for the past few months:

 Of all the drawings, I think I like the way Frida came out the best, but they're all really good and I'm really proud of myself.  Hopefully the next time I start a project like this it won't take as long to finish, lol. 

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