
Sunday, June 26, 2016

And what a journey this has been!

It's Sunday, June 26th, at 3:30 PM, and I am here to announce that I have officially finished illustrating The Story of ABBA 2.0! 

I started this long journey just over a year ago, on May 31st, 2015.  I worked on illustrating and colorizing whenever I could find the time, and my original plan was to finish with all the illustrations in 4-5 months, maybe even 6.  But, school got in the way, I got busy, I lost inspiration once after being told what I was doing was a waste of time, but I never abandoned the project.

And now, I'm finished with the illustrating!  That doesn't mean the book is ready to publish.  I still have lots more to do, but now that this long task of drawing all the illustrations is done, things should start moving along. 

To everyone who has been waiting anxiously for my book to be finished, I just want to thank you all for waiting.  Here's hoping the book will be worth the wait! <3


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