
Friday, April 08, 2016

How did you become an ABBA fan?

My story is pretty simple: I saw the video of ABBA performing live on the Olivia Newton-John show, fell in love with their songs, discovered ABBA Gold among my mom's CDs, and took it from there. 

What about you?  What's your story?  How did you become a fan? :)


  1. Go down 2 post and you will find the funny picture check it out how funny is it

    1. Oh yeah, I know that photo! :D They're so cute in it, aren't they? ^^

  2. yeah! check out the poll results

  3. Bjorn will be so jelous

    1. Aw, poor Bjorn. If I could have, I would've voted for them all. ^^

  4. bjorn feels a lot better now that you said that!


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