
Monday, September 29, 2014

The Live Album Out Now!! + birthdays + drawings and updates

Whoohoo!  The live album was released today!!!!!  ^_^  And guess what -

Yup!  I am just super-dee-duper excited!!!  :D  Just look at it!  It is sooo awesome!!
Plus, happy late birthday to Owe Sandstrom - the creator of ABBA's fabulous costumes!  ^_^   And a happy late birthday to Mark Hamill who turned 63 on the 25th.  :)  And a happy late 32nd birthday to Billie Piper on the 22nd.  A lot of birthdays...  :)

Now, here is what I have so far of my Agnetha drawing that I'm doing with graphite pencils.  :D  Just look at those eyes!!!!  THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL!!  :P  I'm not done yet as you can see which explains why some parts look like a coloring page.  :P

   And here are some doodles I did last night of ABBA, the Beatles, and a guy from Bon Jovi.  Don't ask which guy. IMO, all the members look the same.  :P  I'll probably end up enhancing these and making them look nicer with my graphite pencils (I just love them XD).
   And here is a drawing I'm working on of DI Alec Hardy from the British show Broadchurch.  I haven't seen it, but it just sounds soooo cool.  Not because David Tennant is in it (by all means, I am not a fangirl) but because mysteries always intrigue me.  I have to say, the picture does look good the way it is, but I need to use my graphite pencils. I can't do anything without them.  :P

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