
Monday, March 03, 2014

ABBA Intermezzo NO. 72 - Thank you, Regina!

  Today, I got my copy of ABBA Intermezzo issue number 72.  This copy was sent to me by Mrs. Regina Grafunder.  You see, a short while ago, I wrote to Mrs. Grafunder to see if she could feature my book, "The Story of ABBA - For young readers" in the next issue of ABBA Intermezzo.  I sent her a copy of my book and everything she needed in order to put it in the magazine.  If you go to page 4 of this month's issue, issue No. 72, you will see something very special.  :)

  Thank you so much, Regina!  ^_^  I'm sooo happy!!!   

  I really enjoyed the magazine - the articles, and interviews!  Especially the report on Bjorn's appearance on the German TV show, "Wetten daas...?", from Regina's point of view.  And the rare picture on the back!  Thank you again, Regina!  :)

  I hope everyone will and have enjoyed this magazine as much as I have!  <3



  1. So great, my dear! You're becoming famous, haha.

    1. I know, and its so exciting!! :D I wonder how ABBA dealt with it all... :P


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