
Monday, January 06, 2014

Spot the differences!

Here is a bit of ABBAfan456 fun!  :D  Spot the differences between both pictures!  The fact that one picture is bigger and better quality than the other does not count.

 Hint:  I saw it in the mirror, I saw it in my face...
Stumped?  Click the button below to find the answer.  :P

Their faces!  I swapped their faces!  >:D  Benny has Bjorn's face, Frida has Agnetha's face, Agnetha has Frida's face, and Bjorn has Benny's face!  :D


  1. This was surprisingly well done! Frida's face fit Agnetha's head so well, it took me a moment to realize it wasn't right! :D


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