
Sunday, August 11, 2013

D-d-d-dance your pain away!

The Dance Your Pain Away video will be out tomorrow morning at 10am BST time.   The video is going to feature Agnetha in it which I think is great!  Can't wait!  :D


  1. Oh, poor dear. The video is awful. What a way to drestroy a video clip. I'm very dissapointed. :(

    1. Yeah, I saw it too. It's not so good. It might have been better if Agnetha was actually in the video. :(

    2. That's true! The video looks like it was made in Window Movie Maker and Paint, haha. That was pretty bad, Universal...

  2. I'm sure that Lasse Hallstrom (The guy who filmed all of ABBA's promo clips except for Under Attack and The Day Before You Came) could have done it better. Oh well...

    1. That up there was supposed to a reply to your comment, Isabela. Wonder what happened there... o.O


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