
Monday, January 07, 2013


  Back in the 70s and 80s, many magazines such as VeckoRevyn and Expressen used to always have headlines saying that ABBA were only writing music and releasing albums and such for money.  When ABBA's song "Money Money Money" was released, the press went all overboard that song, saying that ABBA wrote the song because they were "Money Hungry". 

  I've came up with a reason on why ABBA are not money hungry, but the stores and shops and such are.  ;)  Whenever ABBA get money for being on a TV show or whatever they do to get money, the money goes to all four ABBA members and Stig.  Stig later pays Bjorn money for when Bjorn does all his producing work in the studio, and then Bjorn splits his money with Benny.  The money that both of them have gets shared with Agnetha and Frida.  Agnetha and Frida use the money for buying things like food, clothes, toys for their children (even though Agnetha would be the only one doing that...), etc.  So that means that ABBA are not money hungry, but the stores are.  :)  Did that make sense?